To foster bravery and authentic connection within the Stellar Village community, we set an intention for the following agreements & practices in our Zoom sessions.

Click each item to expand.


What is shared here remains here. Ask before bringing it up elsewhere.  


Ideal is keeping light attention on your own breathing & body while witnessing each other. Multitasking on light tasks is okay (puzzles, eating) but stay attuned & responsive if your camera is on.

Respect and Awareness of Positionality

We remain aware of our identities in relation to the identities of others here. We attune to systemic power dynamics and historically silenced voices.

Affinity Groups

These are safer sub-spaces for folks with shared identities to be brave. Unless otherwise specified, affinity groups are for those with lived experience. (i.e., a queer BIPOC affinity group is just for folks with both of those identities)


When we are unsure if something is appropriate or wanted, we ask and seek clarity before engaging.

Create on-ramps

We are all here to learn & grow! When behavior change feels necessary, we prioritize clarity and kindness, rather than shame & blame. We build up healthy community interactions. 

We set an intention to apply this internally and externally.