Conflict is the tension that arises in relationship when our needs are not adequately tended to by ourselves or others.

“I gained a deeper understanding of conflict while also getting to practice moving it through my body with some movement and partnered practice. I left the workshop feeling more equipped to navigate conflict. Thank you so much!”

Participant who attended this workshop live

“One of the most amazing and energizing workshops I've taken. I came out of these sessions with a deeper knowledge of myself and a clearer understanding of where I can go with intention and authenticity.”

Participant in a previous course with Lux

“Lux creates a comfortable environment where it is safe to be vulnerable and make mistakes. The lessons, discussions, and community enriched my life so profoundly that words cannot express.”

Participant in a previous course with Lux

“This workshop revolutionized my understanding of conflict. The group setting allowed me to see myself in others which has rippled out into greater compassion for those I'm in conflict with.”

Participant in a previous course with Lux

Vital skills for maintaining healthy relationships + communities

A lot of people seem to think they are supposed to be naturally good at communicating, and that to admit they have growth to do around communication is shameful. 

I question that belief - I actually think that most of us need to actively learn communication skills because we inherited unhealthy blueprints and conditioning around communication.

If you struggle with communication, or have more conflict in your life than you want, you are not alone. In fact, most of us have learning to do in this area - so let’s do it together.

On-demand workshop available for streaming now!

  • This is for you if you feel a deep sense of responsibility in creating a more harmonious world and know that effective communication is key to building trust and community resilience.

  • Learn 7 common communication pitfalls and their antidotes so you can stop escalating conflict and start actually resolving it.

  • Somatic awareness + centering practices to support you in not reacting from your wounds.

  • Essential communication skills that you can take into your life.

  • Especially important for anyone leading teams, collaborations, or community spaces.

  • This is a 2.5 hour video recording of a live online workshop. Slides are included for your personal use, and the video will have subtitles.

  • Get free access to this webinar with Stellar Village membership. If you're already a member, log in and you'll see the option to access the course player.

Instructor: Lux Gypsum of Healing Rising

Lux Gypsum

Somatic Connection Coach & Conflict Mediator

Lux Gypsum (all pronouns) is a politicized healer and cultural visionary who believes that revolution happens at the level of relationship. With over 9 years of facilitation experience and dozens of trainings under their belt, Lux has cultivated a strong capacity to hold potent group containers for interpersonal skill-building and cultural transformation.

Some of Lux’s politicized identities are white (Northern European ancestry), AFAB, non-binary, and queer. Lux's work is trauma-informed through their study of Somatic Experiencing, and they are committed to uprooting supremacy culture in their work, imperfectly. In addition to holding regular community workshops and events, Lux is also a Somatic Connection Coach, Conflict Mediator, and Community Consultant, supporting individuals, couples, and groups to embody the world they long for.

You can follow Lux's work and offerings on Instagram @healing.rising, on Facebook Healing Rising or by signing up for their newsletter.

Why This Matters

When we don’t put effort into growing our communication skills, we default to the level of skill we saw modeled in our families of origin and in society.

  • We May Fall Back on Blame, Judgement, Defensiveness

    Those protective tools also disconnect us from each other.

    Unless we were raised by really conscious humans who did their inner work, most of the communication models we have operate on unconscious protective mechanisms like blame, judgment, and defensiveness.

    Without intentional effort, we fall back on these reactive patterns, leading to conflict and disconnection in our relationships. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

  • Patterns Can Be Shifted

    Practice & embodiment required!

    This workshop offers you the opportunity to shift those unconscious patterns, giving you practical tools to become more self-aware and communicate more effectively.

    By practicing and embodying these new skills, you’ll be able to create more compassionate, connected relationships - with partners, friends, family, co-workers, and community members.

Option 1: Direct purchase of this on-demand workshop

This offering is open to the public, and it's also included with Stellar Village membership (options below). Direct purchase is a one-time payment to add this recording to your library of courses. Your access will not expire.

  • $66.00

    $66.00Connection We Yearn For: Conflict & Communication Fundamentals with Lux Gypsum

    Standard Rate. This is a fair energy exchange for the labor of producing this webinar.
    Buy Now
  • $44.00

    $44.00Connection We Yearn For: Conflict & Communication Fundamentals with Lux Gypsum

    Community Supported Rate. Use this option (or get a membership below) if the Standard Rate would pose a hardship to meeting your basic needs.
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    $19.99 / monthStellar Village Membership

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    Payment renews monthly and renewal can be cancelled at any time.

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