Who is the 'we' behind Stellar Village?
Well, we're a village, so 'we' is all of us, and we also do have a core of folks tending to the heart of Stellar Village, called the Butterfly Council. Stellar Village was initially envisioned and is founded as an LLC by Grisha Stewart, MA, CPDT-KA.
The Butterfly Council benefits financially from Stellar Village and is about half PGM/BIPOC (or possibly over half, depends on how things shake out). There are 3 transgender people on the council, a great-grandmother, a young man finishing high school. We are men, women, nonbinary, trans, cisgender, invisibly disabled, abled, neo-Druid, Christian, atheist-Christian, atheist-Jewish, Spiritual, neurodiverse, neurotypical (maybe), colonized, colonizer, naturalized citizen, live in the country of our birth, mixed race, single race, high ACE scores, lower ACE scores, monogamous, polyamorous, trauma survivors, single, married, widowed, partnered but unmarried, raised in poverty, raised wealthy, middle class, renters, homeowners, have been unhoused, working class, LGBTQIA+, heterosexual, among other identities, and all much more than any labels.
And we were all children at one point, figuring out how to be elders and good ancestors, committed to learning and sharing skills that create a world where people know they belong.
We care about each other and all beings that share this living planet, including you!