Members are the Village!

Being in Stellar Village is a way to be part of something bigger than any one of us. It's love in action.

As a member, your gifts to community have a home with opportunities to lead events or volunteer, plus you can join in on anything we offer online:

  • Tender Sharing Groups: The Grove, Grief & Praise

    Every heart has a story, and every person has a gift.

    The more we zoom in and get to know each other's stories, the harder it becomes to maintain enmity and division.

  • Community Skills Workshops & Member-Led Offerings

    Relational skills, self-care, earth-tending, and more.

    What skillset do we need to know in our bones to live in healthy, diverse community? We bring in world-class facilitators to teach and we are also open to hearing from you!

  • Community Singing

    Re-membering we belong

    We weave the option of singing into the village because it's one of the primary ways humans remember our connection to each other. Check the Singing tab for many other reasons!

Membership Options

Payment renews monthly and renewal can be cancelled at any time. [Don't like renewals? Click here to buy 30 days for $25 as a one-time payment].

Stellar Village is open to everyone intent on growing a world of kindness for all. We strongly believe in equity, so pass options have the same membership status.

If none of these options are affordable for you, we also have scholarships (email us from the chat box). If you have financial abundance, please consider one of the Additional Reciprocity options on the Donation Page.

  • $19.99 / month

    $19.99 / monthStellar Village Membership

    Standard Individual Rate. This is fair energy exchange for the valuable service of creating these spaces for conscious community to thrive.

    If this rate is not a hardship (meaning you would have trouble providing your basic needs), please select this option.
    Join Stellar Village
  • $9.99 / month

    $9.99 / monthStellar Village Membership

    Community supported rate (sliding scale). Use this option if the other monthly amounts would pose a hardship for meeting your basic needs.
    Join Stellar Village
  • $39.99 / month

    $39.99 / monthStellar Village Membership

    This is actually still a great value, and it's a chance to more fully support the Stellar Village community's needs for financial energy. Thank you!
    Join Stellar Village
  • $25.00

    $25.00Stellar Village Membership

    Be our guest! One-time 30 day trial to check out all that Stellar Village has to offer.
    Join Stellar Village

BIPOC/PGM Membership Options

Small one-time fee for lifetime access! For our kin who identify as People of the Global Majority (PGM), also known as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC).

Your energy exchange contributes to the village and your sense of belonging, and most of our team is BIPOC, so we do ask for this financial energy exchange. You are also welcome to use any of the other payment options.

That said, if you identify as PGM/BIPOC and would like a totally FREE membership, we invite you to click here instead of using the button below.

  • $10.00

    $10.00Stellar Village Membership

    PGM/BIPOC Lifetime Pass. One-time fee, does not expire, can be cancelled at any time.