Sing with Amanda West!

Join us for this online song circle with Amanda West, where we will:

🌟Gather in intentional community
🌟Share ritual space
🌟Learn simple medicine songs honoring loss & possibility
🌟Rest in bridging energy - the energy of in-between and connection.

Grounded in the awareness and the necessity of re-birthing our world and ourselves, this online community circle will be held as a ritual practice, inviting participants into their internal realms and deeper knowing.

As a safe space for exploration and improvisation, this is an opportunity to listen in to the truth of your own heart while being held in the sacred tapestry of group presence.

The songs taught here are for the in-between times in life ~ for bridging what was and what will be, honoring loss and calling in new possibilities.

We will learn in the aural tradition through call and echo, as medicine for the heart and spirit, to cultivate resilience, hope and connection. This is a time and place to connect with your inner space, filling your cup so that you may feel rooted and fortified as you attune to your true path in the world.

  • Build community with others while tapping into a well of collective resilience.

  • Partake in gentle, guided ritual practice and open space for your truth.

  • Full members get this and all other online content on Stellar Village global folk school! Be part of something bigger, nourishing kinship tending & belonging. Learn more here.


  • Is this a live event?

    No. This is a recording of a session that was live. [View our upcoming live events]

  • What happens in Stellar Village song circles?

    In our community song circles we sing "teaching songs", which are songs full of wisdom that are meant to be easily shared and learned. We do our song circles in Zoom and usually sing a capella (without instruments or with light instrumentation in service of the song). The songleader introduces each song and then teaches it at the pace we need, with built in pauses for you to be able to repeat the song. In Zoom, the attendee mics are mostly off, so you'll be able to sing along with the songleader wherever you are.

  • How long is the session?

    1.5 hours.

    This was a first song circle on this platform, so we started with 90 minutes. Our virtual song circles now are usually about 1 hour long, with a bonus chance for some connection with each other at the end in break-out groups in guided discussion (about 20 minutes). Breakout rooms are not recorded, for privacy, bringing to your home or community.

  • Can my friends join me or do we all need to sign up?

    You don't have to sing alone if you have friends to meet up with in person. Create your own song circle by inviting your friends to sing along with you. After all, singing is always more fun with friends!

    If you are in different places, you'll each need your own account.

  • What if I don't think of myself as a singer?

    Singers of all levels welcome! If you don't sing professionally or believe you don't sing "well" we especially invite your curiosity! All voices are good voices.

  • What do you have for accessibility?

    Virtual song circles are an accessible option already, great for parents of young children, folks with limited mobility.

    The content player for this recording includes an automated session transcript and English captions. You also get a document with the words to the songs.

  • How do I access the material?

    If you are a Stellar Village member or you've purchased this offering directly, you just need to be logged in and then click on "Start" or "Resume" at the top of the page.

    Or here's a direct link to the content player.

    If you haven't purchased yet, just scroll down.

Songleader: Amanda West

Amanda West

Song Leader

Offering Mindfulness, Medicine & Magic through Song ~ Amanda West is a song catcher/writer/doula, community leader, music & creativity coach, mother, and ever-evolving human.

In a lifetime devoted to music she has brought song to the thresholds of birth and death, life rituals, spiritual centers, recordings, festivals and performances throughout the West Coast of the U.S. and parts of Europe.

In 2014 she co-founded Womb Song, an organization that supports the journey of pregnancy, birth and postpartum through song. In 2022, in response to the growing climate & global crises, she founded The Covered Bridge Community Choir - an all ages group that sings medicine songs for resilience, hope and connection.

Understanding music to be a part of our human birthright playing an essential role in our experience of being alive, Amanda is passionate about its power to support the rebirthing of ourselves into a more beautiful, sustainable world.

Option 1: Direct Purchase of this live song circle.

This offering is open to the public, and it's also included with Stellar Village membership (options below). Direct purchase is a one-time payment to add this live event and recording to your library of courses. Your access will not expire.

  • $12.00

    $12.00Bridge Songs: Songs for Resilience, Connection and Hope with Amanda West

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Option 2: Membership. Get All-Access to Stellar Village online, including this!

The perks are the same no matter which payment plan you pick on the sliding scale. [Learn More]

  • $19.99 / month

    $19.99 / monthStellar Village Membership

    Standard Rate.This is fair energy exchange for the valuable service of creating online community for you. If this option is not a hardship (meaning you would have trouble providing your basic needs), please select this option.

    Payment renews monthly and renewal can be cancelled at any time.

    Please view the membership page for more options and a sliding scale.
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  • $9.99 / month

    $9.99 / monthStellar Village Membership

    Community Rate (sliding scale). Use this option if the other monthly amounts would pose a hardship for meeting your basic needs.

    Payment renews monthly and renewal can be cancelled at any time.
    Join Stellar Village
  • $25.00

    $25.00Stellar Village Membership

    Be our guest! One-time 30 day trial to check out all that Stellar Village has to offer.
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If you choose to purchase a Stellar Village Membership, your subscription will go for a month from the start date and then renew automatically each month after that. You can easily cancel renewal at any time and your access to the content will just expire on your renewal date.

Already a Member? You're already enrolled in this event, at no extra charge. Just log in and refresh this page, and you'll see a Start Learning or Resume Learning button on the top.

Scholarships. We also have 6-month need-based scholarships. Contact us with the icon in the lower right to get scholarship information.

BIPOC/PGM Membership Options

Small one-time fee for lifetime access! For our kin who identify as People of the Global Majority (PGM), also known as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC).

Your energy exchange contributes to the village and your sense of belonging, and most of our staff is BIPOC, so we do ask for this financial energy exchange. You are also welcome to use any of the other payment options.

That said, if you identify as PGM/BIPOC and would like a totally FREE membership, we invite you to click here instead of using the button below.

  • $10.00

    $10.00Stellar Village Membership

    PGM/BIPOC Lifetime Pass. One-time fee, does not expire, can be cancelled at any time.