Alyx Somas is a Native Northern American with roots from multiple Detribalized Peoples whose lineages have been living upon Tongva Lands for four generations. Their primary work is within movements of Collective Cultural Re-Indigenization, partnering alongside cultures of Belonging, Reciprocity, and Restorative Action.
Their community organizing is in service with Indigenous Knowledge Systems, supported by their training in group facilitation and somatic healing. They have spent the last decade working in education and organizing collective spaces for expressive arts, healing, de-colonization, honoring ancestry, connecting with the land, communal grief and prayer, and rituals of initiation. They especially find joy in decentralized spaces of ceremonial song, dance, and counsel.
They are on a journey of Initiation, training to be a Good Elder. All of their work holds heart in the belief that "we all come from peoples who gathered around fires storytelling, dancing, and grieving together." They are gently composting generations-old colonial wounding; resourcing in prayers that dismantle inner-supremacy, disengage from cultures of shame, blame, and carceral action, and offering prayers towards the unfolding of a multicultural peoples living out restored relations, in devotion to Inter-Dependence and to the ancestral ways of reverence for all that lives.
Their labor is for the world coming, where we gather together over the open flames that birth reciprocity from the fertilizer of our decay, united in our Praise and Grief towards the expression of our true nature — Reciprocity and Deep Beauty.
You can connect with their work on their budding website and the IG @collectivitypr
oject. Reach them at
[email protected] for collaboration.