Lean In To The Magic of Songcatching

Join music & creativity coach and renowned songcatcher Amanda West for an engaging workshop, where participants will:

🌟Explore the mystery and magic of catching songs
🌟Practice opening up your creative channels for receiving inspiration
🌟Clarify when and how to listen, and when and how to craft
🌟Bring song seeds to workshop together in real time

In this virtual workshop participants will practice embodied remembering, community weaving and birthing songs. Beginning with vocal and somatic exercises to free creative energy, we will discuss approaches to listening for song seeds, and ways to consider working with them once they’ve arrived.

  • All levels welcome!

  • Tap into your body, learning what songs it holds and how you may the carry them forth.

  • If you would like access to this and all other content on Stellar Village, sign up for our membership! For a low monthly price, you can get access to all live events and recordings of all past offerings! Learn more here.

Instructor: Amanda West

Amanda West

Song Leader

Offering Mindfulness, Medicine & Magic through Song ~ Amanda West is a song catcher/writer/doula, community leader, music & creativity coach, mother, and ever-evolving human.

In a lifetime devoted to music she has brought song to the thresholds of birth and death, life rituals, spiritual centers, recordings, festivals and performances throughout the West Coast of the U.S. and parts of Europe.

In 2014 she co-founded Womb Song, an organization that supports the journey of pregnancy, birth and postpartum through song. In 2022, in response to the growing climate & global crises, she founded The Covered Bridge Community Choir - an all ages group that sings medicine songs for resilience, hope and connection.

Understanding music to be a part of our human birthright playing an essential role in our experience of being alive, Amanda is passionate about its power to support the rebirthing of ourselves into a more beautiful, sustainable world.
5 star rating

Truly Magic - Encore!

Victor Szepessy

I can't believe how much I learned both from the kind and thoughtful teaching the wonderful Amanda West gave with such ease and grace and also from the other lovely participants. Such a great group where everyone brought something heartfelt to the...

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I can't believe how much I learned both from the kind and thoughtful teaching the wonderful Amanda West gave with such ease and grace and also from the other lovely participants. Such a great group where everyone brought something heartfelt to the table. Truly magic, truly interconnected Stellar Village style. It all went by too quickly. We need a longer course :)

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5 star rating

A workshop full of magic

Steffi Krause

So many beautiful songs being shared, all the lovely smiling faces on camera, amazing voice and wonderful lyrics, it was a really magical atmosphere. Amanda grave such great tips and encouraged people to share their experience, songs and questions...

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So many beautiful songs being shared, all the lovely smiling faces on camera, amazing voice and wonderful lyrics, it was a really magical atmosphere. Amanda grave such great tips and encouraged people to share their experience, songs and questions that even the time participantes could open themselves to the community.Shaniqua did a great job as host and It felt like a family reunión, all connected by their love for songs

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This offering is open to the public, and it's also included with Stellar Village membership (options below). Direct purchase is a one-time payment to add this live event and recording to your library of courses. Your access will not expire.

  • $29.00

    $29.00The Songcatcher's Magic: Intro to Songcatching Workshop with Amanda West

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  • $9.99 / month

    $9.99 / monthStellar Village Membership

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  • $39.99 / month

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    This is actually still a great value, and it's a chance to more fully support the Stellar Village community's needs for financial energy. Thank you!
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  • $25.00

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BIPOC/PGM Membership Options

Small one-time fee for lifetime access! For our kin who identify as People of the Global Majority (PGM), also known as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC).

Your energy exchange contributes to the village and your sense of belonging, and most of our staff is BIPOC, so we do ask for this financial energy exchange. You are also welcome to use any of the other payment options.

That said, if you identify as PGM/BIPOC and would like a totally FREE membership, we invite you to click here instead of using the button below.

  • $10.00

    $10.00Stellar Village Membership

    PGM/BIPOC Lifetime Pass. One-time fee, does not expire, can be cancelled at any time.