Gifts for our Guests: We invite you to join us in open, honest sharing to nourish connection at the tenderly resilient roots.

Here are the offerings in the free Guest Pass. Once you enroll, remember your login info so you can come back any time in 30 days.

Guest passholders can also attend Member-Led Offerings.

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Second Saturdays in Zoom. The Grove is a facilitated ritual space for sharing our stories and witness others in a brave space.

The Grove is the heart of how we connect in Stellar Village.

Fourth Saturdays in Zoom with Sabrina Simon.

Grief arises in many ways, not just from the death of a loved one. This trauma-informed session is a chance to tap into the well of collective grief and know we are not alone.

Self-paced online course with skills for the transformation of grief.

These resources have some practices and self-care that may be useful for you as you lean into the work of grief.

Or maybe you're ready to be more than a guest?

Full village membership also gets you online song circles, workshops, and an opportunity to lead your own offerings.

Plus you're also supporting the existence of this conscious global folk school. We invite you to co-create with us!

Full members support the thrival of Stellar Village and also get these benefits and more.

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Online workshops and panel discussions with a diverse set of expert facilitators.

What skills do you need to connect to and care for community, yourself, and to something bigger than both?

Teaching each other songs and singing together, without much instrumentation, is old technology that we all carry in our bones.

This style of singing is a collective movement that's on the rise again! Most of our circles are hosted by Sheniqua Trotman.

Members can lead workshops, song circles, or other offerings to help fill out our community skillset.

It's also an opportunity to practice teaching or facilitating for public offerings in a kind and caring space. Guest passholders can attend member offerings.

Thanks for your visit! The guest pass info is at the top. if you're considering full membership, click below.

P.S. We have a sliding scale for our membership. For our PGM/BIPOC kin, membership is also either free or at a low rate for lifetime membership (your choice).

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