What Sharing Means at Stellar Village

Our sharing spaces provide a supportive platform to be seen and accepted for who we are, to be inspired to grow for the greater good, and to deeply understand the threads of connection between all of us.

We meet in Zoom, in hybrid sessions, and occasionally just in person for:

  • Authentic Expression

    Speak from the heart to your unique perspectives. Dancing, singing, art, and other forms of expression are also welcome.

  • Deep Listening

    Engage with others through compassionate and mindful presence, 'listening' with all of your senses.

  • Collective Growth

    Learn from the experiences and insights of fellow community members. We are in this together.

Sharing Opportunities

The Grove

4th Saturdays. A welcoming, facilitated space where the whole village can come together to share, listen, and connect.

Rooted in openness and trust, this gathering offers a supportive environment for brave expression, deep reflection, and meaningful community connection.

Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups are community-led spaces for members of shared identities to connect (LGBTQIA+, neurodiverse, BIPOC/PGM, elders, etc.)

These groups provide a supportive environment for meaningful conversations to nourish mutual support, collective growth.

Whether rooted in culture, spirituality, or personal journeys, Affinity Groups offer a space to belong, share, and draw strength from quality time together.

Member-Led Offerings

Member-led offerings are Zoom sessions where you can share your gift of unique skills, passions, curiosity, and expertise.

These experiences are shaped by members, for members. They can be group sharing sessions, workshops, song circles, or other formats. If you want a certain type of sharing session in the village, consider facilitating your own!